Locust tells a story of heartbreak with powerful hiphop song “GHOST” ft. Natalie Taylor
The cold hands of Death come in myriad shapes and forms. In the picturesque wilderness of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, an artist mourns the grasp of those arctic hands on a past, long-standing relationship. A flurry of bars and four-minutes of candor is all it takes for the northern rapper, Locust, to unleash that mourning on the microphone; confronting the apparition of his ex-lover on his beautiful, new offering, “Ghost”. “How can this happen, how can this be?” is breathtaking crooned by his guest, Natalie Taylor, amidst the opening march of contrite keys and poignant pianos. Her voice, matched with the lyrics of her 4-bar chorus, wholly manifest the emotion of the song. However, Locust’s performance undoubtedly seals the deal. As an 808 kick, pushed by the roll of hihats and snares, impacts the mix; our Canadian emcee releases a torrent of heartfelt bars. Alongside trailing the grooves of this miraculous beat, Locust trails a personal story of betrayal and heartbreak. As much as he clarifies that this story is of the past, it is certain that he grapples with the “Ghost” of his love to this very day. With such, he paints of a vivid picture of post-relationship depression; and those brushstrokes alone show his competence as an upcoming artist. If you are reeling over a breakup, or the loss of a loved one in general, give this record a spin. Locust and Natalie Taylor have penned every word racing through your mind.
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